Thursday, November 20, 2008

Can i just tell you how much i love Tamara!?

I'm not going to lie to you, i'm not sure if i know how to tell you. 'A Lot!' just doesnt seem to cut it! I guess the reason for that is because people sometimes say 'a lot, a lot, a lot.' and if you do that, then where's it going to end? How much of a lot can you really have? I don't know words yet. I'm still learning. I'll get back to you on that. But in case You're still curious, just start saying 'a lot!' and keep repeating it till i get back with better words. Maybe you'll be close.


Larissa said...

Awww! She's such a good girlfriend. And I really mean that, a lot. I mean A LOT. Like, for reals, a lot. Seriously, a whole stinkin' lot!!! A lot, a lot, a lot!!!! (o;

P.S. I love her, too!

Anonymous said...

Okay. Now you know the secret. Being considerate to each other is a key to a good relationship. That and seperate bathrooms will lead to a lifetime of happiness...

Father Witiuk