Thursday, March 13, 2008

I think I've found my calling

A woman approached me the other day about the way I was standing. Up right, shoulders slightly forward, elbows up, side to side, like a cholo. I don't normally stand like this, but it must have just been destiny this night, i guess. She said to me, 'Joshua, the Lord came to me in a dream last night. He told me to tell you that You're going to the next priest at St. Helga's Church for the Happy Believers down on Central and Irving.' I realize now that you can't fight divine intervention's. So i figured i'd get a head start and begin studying up!

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

So i had the coolest drink at ihop earlier. It was your typical, every day sprite... But with jello! It was incredible... ...and Tamara had a crapy milk shake.


I may have cried tears of joy the other night. I went to see Every Time I Die the other night with August Burns Red. I'd never seen Every Time I Die before then so I was stoked to see em, but August Burns Red totally took the show. My body felt at peace every time the bass drum and the bassist hit the same note. Glorious. That's all i really can think to say about the whole experience.