Tuesday, January 29, 2008

writing for the sake of writing

A friend once asked my why I was writing poetry. He was questioning not only me, but my intentions for a 2 page paper that I called a poem. I replied aesthetically, questioning his ability to question me, for he was incapable of keeping his feelings to himself of any artistic view, other than his own! So I immediately dismissed his remark and continued to write. As I wrote, the validity of his comment struck me! I had assumed he was being analytical for the sake of idiocy.
Why do I write what I write? Is it simply for the sake of writing? What a confounded waste of time! My words might as well be damned with the rest of my being. For what does it profit me if my vivacious spirit speaks uselessness? And if my words and their being, are themselves impotent, what more reason do I have to live than that of a rose that withered yesterday? I found myself refuting confession of my own words to galvanize my fragmented mind. And assuredly, I have reached my denouement. I write not for the sake of writing. I write for my incompetence maims me from vocalizing not only my emotions, but my ability to speak in general. I write to prove entity in my conscious.

Friday, January 18, 2008


Kourtney is being toilet papered by Ivana! i'm not sure there is much more to say about this...

Thursday, January 17, 2008


This is a project I did for Nick's Old Testament Class...


Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Captain! My hands are gone!

The other night I was in some what of an artistic mood (That, and I was bored of being at home), and I decided to run around taking pictures. I'm not really sure why I'm writing about this since it's not an abnormal thing, but I haven't posted much in a while so I guess I'm just trying to make up for it! The picture to the left really isn't that amazing, but it did however, bring a hint of joy to my heart. And my left hand almost fell off do to frost bite. Now I'm just trying to take up space so that the letters/words run past, or at least up the edge of the picture. It just looks better that way. I was walking through the forest the other day when I came across a whole line of bunnies. I thought this was a little strange but just then, they all (at the same time!) took a step back. And I thought to myself, "receding hare-line!" I could vote during this next election if I wanted to! But I haven't really been keeping up with those running. Which I also thought was kinda strange, seeing as how I normally do! Only to a certain extent though, cause I couldn't vote before now. I really wish they would've let Stephen Colbert run for president. It'd make the voting process so much easier. Well, I'm past the picture, so I'm signing out now.

Don't i just look older?

I mean seriously, i'm just gonna be walking down the street and people are see me and say, that kid's 18! You know how i know? Cause he looks like it. So i guess in case you didn't know, on january 16, 1990, i was brought officially to earth. As opposed to unofficially, of coarse. Well, it also happens to be the 18th year that I've been on it. I don't really know what to do about this though. Cigars, tattoos and piercings are out of the question do to the school of ministry. But i can still buy weapons and order from infomercials! I think I'm gonna have to stick with those for now...

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Me in 6 years.

This is where my life is headed and i'm proud of it.


were heading back home now on some sketchy air line called Allegiant! I really don't have a problem with that. It's during the 9 hour drive that i might start taking heads. But i'm young, I'll get over it. I really don't Blog very much. Maybe i should get on that.