Friday, August 29, 2008

First day of classes!

We had an introduction to our first block class today! I already forgot what it was called...
Probably not the best thing... But I really enjoyed it! 
They gave us a booklet as we walked in and it was light blue. Just so you know.
Anyway, I was taking notes in this booklet and I missed one of the notes he said.
I'd been writing all around the words that were typed on the paper so much that there was hardly any room left on that page at all! So I leaned over to Chris and asked if he caught that last point. He pointed in my notebook to the place that they were all listed, and I realized that everything that i'd been writing in my notebook was pretty much already typed by who ever put this note book together! Genius!! Who thinks of these things?

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Welcome to the Kitchen

My CM199 will be served in the Kitchen! I'm in my first official meeting for it right now! But don't worry, it hasn't actually started! I'm not texting in class or anything absurd like that! I will be workin in the bakery though! And even though i know she doesn't read my Blog, I'll make you proud Vanessa!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

So i'm testing out this new stuff that supposed to whiten my teeth! I just rinse and brush! It's that easy! I'll keep you updated on its effectiveness.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Just chillen...

Waiting in line to register for classes!

I'm Official

Got the name tag to prove it.

Dinner at In-n-Out

Welcome to CCBC!

On my way to college!

So i'm on my way to bible college! That's nice. I'm pretty stoked to see what God's going to do in my life! If you think about it, go ahead and pray for me while i'm out here! I've never been the best with academics, so i'm going all out for this. And i just miss Tamara! I'm not gonna lie, 3 months with out seeing her kinda sucks for both of us! But i know God's going to work in both of our lives.

...i'm bad with subject titles.

Chip, Jason, Jesse and i went on a hike. It was nice.

Ridin with my top down

I traded cars with my grandma for about a week! It was wonderful.


So i went to Macedonia again! It was incredible! I'm gonna try and put pictures up and I'll talk a little more about it later...

Because I Love Denver

Because I Love Justice


and I 
drove up 
to Jemez 
for a day 
of fun!


So i was given the chance to go to Lonetree as a leader for 6th grade guys! It was basically awesome, i miss those guys already. The whole trip was awesome! I don't really know what to say about it!


Tamara and i went to the Journal to see Underoath! It was basically amazing. I didn't walk away with any crazy stories about people faking fires and setting off the roof sprinklers endangering both the band and everybody else in the room. No. But there were alot of indians with mohawks!

Velocity in the Park

Setting up for velocity and doing sound check stuff...

Outdoor Staff Devo's

it was nice, not gonna lie.

Peace and Picnics

So Tamara and i went to the Olive Garden for lunch the other day to meet hang out and eat! Well, me, being the fashionably early guy that i always am, had time to think about what i really wanted to do! After an intense thinking session, i decided that i didn't want to be in that restaurant at all, so once Tamara got there, i told her to get her food to go. And we left. We had a picnic near the intersection of academy and wyoming in a median to the west. And it was beautiful.

Alright, so to be honest, i don't know where i left off my life from this Blog, so I'll start here! Basically, i now have a beautiful girlfriend who's name is Tamara! And i love her. And so continues the story of my life. I'm sure there will be alot more about her as my story/Blog continues..


I'm kinda just testing to see if my phone thing still works. My other phone just decided to turn off one day and never turn back on, so i got a new one!. Ray and i went to the driving range!


So I apologize for my lack of blogging lately. I'm gonna do my best to catch up on everything that's been going on...