Thursday, August 30, 2007

Renovate with paul write

Chillen in class

i was going to ask what more is there to say, but that would be a stupid question.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


So this is my dead car on the side of the road.


Writing later

Monday, August 27, 2007

fun at I-hop

Writing later

First day of school!

We all remember the first day of school, so eager, so zelous, so fervent. The excitement rolled from your tongue like a corpulent seal that rolls into the ocean, unknowingly spiraling to it's fate as the ambitious shark lingers below.

Yes, these were the days we will always remember. Waking up at 4 in the morning in fear that your buss will leave without you, or sleeping in till a minuet before and chasing the bus down with your pants at your ankles. It's happened to the best of us, there is no need to lose that precious sleep. Not any more.

Well today I started my first day of the School of Ministry. Nothing at all like any of that happened. Actually, my first major class was Theology 1 in which Nelson gave us a number of pages that he printed out that could barely fit in a 3 inch binder. I proceeded to take my own notes as he spoke, drawing out the format that he like his papers done and writing down "Fun Facts" of information he hinted would be on up coming tests. These hints were almost like outrageous winks, like the type you'd think some one throw you on the ground and hold your tongue for. Needless to say, he made it very clear what would be on a test and what we would need to study. Theology was my only class today. We had 2 discussion times during the class which I really enjoyed, I talked with 2 of the other guys who are like 3 times my age and really pulled a lot out of what we were going over.

I’m not gonna lie, I’m ridiculously excited for this up coming year. If you’re praying for me at all, keep doin it! I'm gonna need it soon. Who knows, I probably already do!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

64oz. Of pure glory

Ultimate gulp. What else needs to be said?

Saturday, August 18, 2007

pickin up some hohos!

Me and ray got lunch.

Friday, August 17, 2007


So after countless hours, we finished cleaning my room and putting up my new bed! Which matt actually seems to be enjoying more than me.


So for the first time in about 4 years, I'm gonna have a real bed! And I'm not gonna lie, I'm pretty darn excited about it! 4 years may have been a mild exaggeration but in today's society, its almost necessary to exaggerate. People, in a general sense, will not listen to a story unless there is some sort of peak or high to it. The art of exaggerating comes into play with the art of story telling. Stories have been exaggerated over centuries and continue to grow in popularity as time goes on. It really is hard to say what actually happened when telling a story of how you may have driven into a fence. It may start off fairly close to the truth, being that you were just playing around on a dirt road, winding up and down the dirt path when you lost control of the vehicle having over corrected your turn and found yourself half way over what is now a broken down fence. Years down the road, your in Mongolia on a mission for the government that not even the president can know about and you were winding to avoid the bullets flying past and a Mongolian warlock appeared 30 ft. in front of you casting you 45 degrees to the left, stopping only inches away from your so called inevitable death by a 180 ft. cliff.

All this to say, that I haven't had a real mattress in like 6 years. Ive been sleeping in a cave that provides only a limited amount of heat that keeps me alive through out the night.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

SOM app!

So this right here is an application to the School of Ministry! I filled it out, and I go in Tomorrow to get all kinds of books and stuff.

You might be wondering how this all came about. You might say "Hey Josh, have you given any thought to this? I mean, Ive never heard you talk about it! And by the way, When does Brittany leave?" And I might respond to this like "Yeah, Ive given thought to this, and yes, it is pretty random. Ive never really considered it until this morning. Oh, and Brittany left this morning. Just so you know..."

Well below is my reasoning and an answer to question number 3 on the application:

My reasons for attending the School of Ministry are simple. I've been trying to figure out lately what to do with my schooling and the rest of my life. I was sitting at home on August 16, 2007 discussing plans to go to TVI. Then, almost out of no where, my mom suggested the School of Ministry. I liked her idea and I prayed about it for about 2 hours. After that I felt that this is what God wanted me to do, and if He didn't, then it’s not going to happen. My goals for this year are to grow closer to God through the knowledge of His word and the history of His church. I also want the knowledge of how to back up my faith so that God wont have to use the rock next to me to do it.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Albuquerque isotopes

So we went to see the Albuquerque Isotopes cause we got free box seats! I may have been a little confused by what box seats were when I took the tickets. I thought they were those big glass rooms at the top of the stadium where they give you free food! No, there the seats like touching the ground of the arena! These were the seats to sit in if you wanted to watch a baseball game. You can see everything from them, the look on the pitchers face as he prepares to throw his fast ball, the sweat running down the hitters face as he nervously awaits it, and the man on third base getting ready to steel 3rd the moment he feels confident the pitcher's concentration is on the catcher. The intensity of the set up was almost unbearable! Goosebumps rush to your head as the pitcher loads his guns, and you begin to ask yourself, "is he gonna hit i?" "Is the runner gonna make it home?" or "is the bat man gonna foul the freakin base ball into my face at 200mph?" Actually, that last question was the one that came to my head the most since we were sitting so close. A few balls had their eyes set on me, but it's all about intimidation. I quickly shot one back at them and they knew their place.

Yeah, the game was good. But that wasn't even the best part of the night! I wish you would've been there. The scene was to epic to take pictures. We left a bit before the end so we could get out of the parking lot, unscathed of the multitudes. And as we left through the main gates, something didn't seem right, there was a different feeling in the air. It was that of joy. People were out side the gates, celebrating and dancing! Swinging around bags of something! My heart pounded to beat of a native American drum that some indian guy was hitting in a corner. I looked slightly to my right and saw 2 amazing pillars. I was stunned and speechless. The joy I felt right then will echo through out the rest of my life. A woman approached me, Brittany and Heidi and said "hey, would you guys like some bread?" Of coarse! It was all clear now! The giant pillars held loaves and loaves of bread, and they were giving it out like a child gives his cold to a nursery of unsuspecting infants! We gladly took their bread and began to rejoice with them! Oh what a sight it was. 1 minuet later, we went to Denny's and ate with Karen.

Friday, August 10, 2007

He's back! But only for a limited time special offer!

"my favorite african" comes in white and...?


I dont really know what to say! The pictures say it all. And we all know that pictures Never lie.


Alright, so I've now tried about 5 times to write up a summary of the past few days that I've been back in Albuquerque. Each time, it either didn't send, it got deleted, or...
i don't even know. It just didn't work. The main point in all of them:
1) I'm Back.
2) I'm Tired.
3) Brittany is in Town!
4) Ive seen most of my friends!
5) I saw a lot of shooting stars,
and we played KGB.
These are all things that are pretty big deals in my life.
1) This one is obvious. Ive been in Montana for a month.
2) I stayed in a hot tub for way to long.
3) Brittany lives in Canada and I haven't seen her in a really long time. Its really good to hang out with her.
4) I enjoy the company of my friends, I like hanging out with them and I've had the chance to tell the all about my trip.
5) Ive never seen a real shooting star, only meteors.

So that's what you've missed of my life if our current relationship is over the Internet. Sorry for holding you in suspense for such a long time! And again, thank you for reading!

Thursday, August 09, 2007


This is a bible study that we have weekly on Thursday nights. Where we have it often changes but the point is still the same. A group teens get together to worship God and study His word.
For some reason its called Levitate. I dont like this name, I feel like I'm in some sort of a cult group. But as you read 2 sentences before this, this is not the case, just a stupid name. But i'll get over it. I'm just complaining. And the name isnt what it's about. So I'm gonna shut up now that I'm coming to a realization of what this is. haha!

Fish eyes.

I got my new fish eye lens for my camera today! I havent had a chance to test it out yet but you'll see the pics as soon as i take em.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Hunting in Montana

A lot of people underestimate the sheer intensity of fish hunting. Fish hunting is no easy sport. A lot of the time people are blessed with this skill, but the other part of the time, they just aren’t. Me, Chip and Jesse happen to be just short of professional. We caught 3 pretty large fish within the first 5 minuets of being out on the water. Of coarse this could also be because we had a pro fisher with a pro boat and a pro fish detector. But I’m sure that’s only a small part of it.

Friday, August 03, 2007


(pictures go along with the story in the order they appear)
Right after our fun filled Adventure to Glacier
National Park, we stopped off at a local stockpile called the “Jam Factory.” There, we enjoyed the finest huckleberry shakes till our contentment, which, for some reason lasted for over 45 minuets. I’m not sure why we decided to chill in the beautiful lot of “Huckleberry Land.” I guess it was just the right thing to do. So we found a picnic table in the midst of the all of the FUN in the magical land of “Huck!” There we sat in the desert-like environment slurping our huckleberry shakes until the cup was emptied, like a old well somewhere in Egypt. There was also a cowboy there in “Cherries!” After all of the excitement at “Huckleberries” Levi proceeded to tell us something he could do with quarters…
Over all, our stop at “Willows ‘fish thing” was well worth the trip to Glacier National Park. That place sucked.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Glacier National Park

We went to Glacier National Park today for a quality family hike with Eric. It was a good one! We had to stay on a trail for pretty much all of the “hike” but it was still pretty cool. That mountain is one of the more beautiful mountains I’ve seen in my life. And believe me, I’ve seen my share of mountains.
While up their, not only did we get to see a ton of beautiful scenery, but also a fair amount of Santa Clause.

True American Eagle

Actual Size!

True Story.

Staff meeting

Last night was the 2nd official staff meeting. Pretty much everything went smoothly until kevin announced that his life was a candle put in a microwave thrown in a preheated oven. Later, he said that he had a good life and the oven may not have been preheated. Im not gonna lie, last night when i was at that meeting, was the first time that i just felt like i really wanted to be here. Like for more than a couple weeks. Who knows, maybe ill end up staying out here, helping church, being the sword of god, slaughtering the wicked and humbling the proud. But probably not that first one...