Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Thursday, October 23, 2008

What does this button do?

Chillen in cafeteria eatin Anthony's food!

I came to my room yesterday to this note on my door which all of my room mates having already read, informed me of. Basically, it says that i have to meet with some people at 7 am, most likely having to do with M1 stuff. So i get up this morning, seeing that my hair was gross and greasy, also seeing the lack of time to take a shower, i threw on the only nice button up i have to compensate. I headed over and in the office was some other guy giving excuses as to why he was late a few times for his M1 and i laughed a bit inside. So i waited my turn and walked in once the other guy left. I was informed of a few times (8) that i had come in late, none more than 10 minutes, and she also pointed out that the days i had come in late, i stayed later to make up for it. So i'm not behind on my hours, but my grade for the bakery has dropped. My amazing bread making skills just aren't good enough.
But if i'm faithful to come in on time, i was told that grace would be found with me and my grades.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Saturday, October 18, 2008

This is what happens...

...when you figure out where you are and your mind is starting to leak into your hands.

This is what happens...

...when you forget your map and wind up in a small town with nothing to do.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Monday, October 13, 2008


...shakin it up! I promise he's only swing dancing!

And I know the picture quality sucks, but as you can see, Chris is actually on stage dancing his heart away! The rhythm of hips is cascading across the floor and blessing the weak, enabling them to dance freely as though no other soul was gazing at their feet, seeking out the flaws we all know and have. Thank you Chris for your overwhelming sense of Joy and confidence in the rhythm of your ways!

Fun in the neighborhood!

A fire hydrant busted and me and some of the kids were going to go play in the water. Tommy ran into the spray and it shot him 115 feet up in the air! So we ran back home.

I feel like We're going to Disney Land!

Rich in antioxidants

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

I made Tamara flowers!

So pretty much we finished all of our work in the bakery today really early and one of the girls is taking a cake decorating class! She had to practice making roses so she taught me and i made some for Tamara! Just too look at though. I'd mail em but that'd be gross.

Working on the handle bars.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Dawn of the Leviathan

These pictures were taken just moments before the beast rose out of the sea to devour the Asian tourists. We were filled with compassion for the tourists as we rose to destroy the beast, who's name was Phillip. As he stormed furiously towards the beach, we all cried out with barbaric yelps as we leapt carelessly from the stone cliffs to meet Phillip on the glassy beach below.
As he approached, Jesse realized that he got far to caught up the emotion of it all and forgot his flip-flops at the top of the stones. Obviously, you can not fight beats with out flip-flops or the lack of any other kind of footwear for that matter! I personally prefer to roll in the black on black vans. It just suits my fancy. And occasionally I'll whip out the brown suede pumas, but only on a good day. The girls next to me also rock the flip-flops and on days when the tide is high, moccasins. As you can see, and I'm sure you've noticed before, we all have our shoe preference. It generally comes down the mood of the day for most. With the few exceptions of the beggars on the side of the street, who can typically only afford the one pair of shoes. Unless of coarse they are professional panhandlers, in which case they can afford many pairs of shoes! This kinda reminds me of this one time Mat, Jeff and I were walking around in San Francisco and we came across a bear in a tutu riding a unicycle. My memory's a little hazy, but I'm pretty sure it happened. Ask Jeff.
So yesterday, I was doing Chuck Tracks when Chuck walked in! Well, everything got super awkward super fast when he asked what I was doing. I was already nervous about being in his presence and frantically replied, "I'm listening to the beautiful sound of your voice Chuck." Then I snapped back into reality and Chuck was sitting at a table with a group of young men seeking wisdom in their dating life, or lack there of.

Here is another picture. Mat was there too.


"Is it weird having an Asian serve you Asian food?





Sunday, October 05, 2008

Battle Ship (pt. 2)

What we assumed to be a great game truely was intense. It came down to the both of us, 2 ships and one hit to sink each opponant. It was my turn and the odds were looking incredible! I struck! And the tiny red tab, representing Mat's ultimate demise, missed by less than an inch. Mat's face lit up with the excitement of the Coca-Cola Christmas Polar Bears yet he struck with the fury of the mother bear as her cub was enticed by the bait of the hunter. Good rally Captain. Good rally.

Battle Ship

Mat and i are advancing to what we think will be an intense game... More to come.

I just got the crap blessed out of me.

So living, as you know is expensive, and because of my beautiful girlfriend Tamara, I don't have to buy as many drinks because she sent me a box of the best hot chocolate in the world. Swiss Miss! Any way, cups are $.25 so i was going to use one of the tiny free water cups. Well Kristin, who as you can see is working, took our mini cups full of hot chocolate mix and steadily placed them in large cups! she then proceeded to fill them with hot water and noticed that there were marsh mallows! Then she asked if i wanted whip cream. I calmly stated, 'Yes!!' and thus my soul was even farther blessed by Kristins awesomeness.

Saturday, October 04, 2008


So i went into a board shop today to figure out all i need to know to buy a board! A lot goes buying a snowboard, weight, height, what you like to do on the board... Well i was talking to the guy who worked there and basically, it all depends on what you want to do in the water! I told him i wanted to learn to ride a short board and that I've only ridden long boards, so he suggested a 6'4'' so i could get used to it, without getting super frustrated in the water! Well the boards in that area were about $380! All that to say, if you have an extra $380 lying around, i could find a decent use for it! Just throwin it out there...

'Oh! You so hungry!'

Devan knows his doughnuts!

Thursday, October 02, 2008

So this was kind of important to me...

I wrote my research paper for our class on Genesis, on the grace and love of God that we find through Lot when he is taken from Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19:15-16). In it, I included some of my testimony and a little of what God brought me out of.
If you're interested to read it, let me know and I'll email it to you! From there, you can read and let me know what you think!
I'll let you know my grade as soon as I find out!