Thursday, February 28, 2008

For the sake of safety

I went driving with Heidi today. She was doing fine until she saw a car with people in it or people with trendy pants. Although it was slightly releveing when she told me that she was gonna let some people walk by before accelerating. she wasnt that bad, she just needs to not drive on the curb when a car is coming the opposite direction.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Saturday, February 16, 2008


I honestly can't think of anything to say about this other than It's amazing! Maybe i can come up with some words later.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Monday, February 11, 2008


This is the spout where the glory comes out.


Heidi really loves planes.

We walked to the Lincoln memorial last night, and I don't think It's possible that it could've been more cold. But walking up the stairs and seeing his face half way up was one of the most epic moments I've had in the past 18 years of my life. The only people in temple were the guards and they didn't speak a word. Jesse and Heidi were about 2 minutes behind me so i just stood there in the middle of the room gazing up at Abraham. Once again, I've reached the point in my Blog where I have nothing else to say... Vote Obama!

We went to see u2 in 3d tonight! I've never been the biggest u2 fan, but 3d makes everything so much better! Imagine if we had to live life in 2d. See? Better. Well Bono didn't have alot to say what he did, i took to heart. Jesus, Jew, Mohammed, It's true! I think Bono may have been slightly confused, cause when he kept repeating this he'd point to his crazy head band refering to Jesus at the moon and star thing, and Mohammed as the cross. You can see where he was confused. That, and if you ask any follower of any of these 'religions' they'll tell you Bono's full of it. But until enlightenment strikes america, lets all just coexist.

comic book capital of the world!

For those who happen to be a slight bit on the slower side, i'm in washington dc! I'm pretty sure that this is of some significance (the picture not me being here). Uh, i don't know what else to say... Vote clinton!

Friday, February 08, 2008

Heidi and i on our last flight to dc?

umm... Maybe i should've put the subject in the text.