Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Don't i just look older?

I mean seriously, i'm just gonna be walking down the street and people are see me and say, that kid's 18! You know how i know? Cause he looks like it. So i guess in case you didn't know, on january 16, 1990, i was brought officially to earth. As opposed to unofficially, of coarse. Well, it also happens to be the 18th year that I've been on it. I don't really know what to do about this though. Cigars, tattoos and piercings are out of the question do to the school of ministry. But i can still buy weapons and order from infomercials! I think I'm gonna have to stick with those for now...

1 comment:

Heidi Lusko said...

Hurray for lots of blogs!!!
Hurray for being eighteen!!
You can finally buy me cigarettes.
I am so sick of having to ask that guy with a moustache who hangs around my school for them.