Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I havent been blogging much since I got a twitter!
Check it out!
Feel free to follow me and stuff...

Friday, September 25, 2009

The Storm Is Here...

That's a lame title.
I forgot to blog about this, Tamara and I got new phones!
Our first major purchase as a married couple encompasses the
one thing that held us together while I was in California.
(Cause I'm sure God had nothing to do with it.)
Is it weird to be sarcastic with yourself?

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


I was able to work on a film set this weekend with Daniel.
He was shooting a re-enactment for the documantary Shattered.
I think I got all my hours in during one weekend!
Close to it anyway.
6pm-4:30 each night.
waking up sucked but it was worth it.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Life Goal #4:

"Give Christian Lindskog a hug."

I gave him 4!

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

My Name Is On Tamara's License!

Tamara got her new license today!
It took a lot of preparation to actually
get the act into play,
but through our persistence,
we got it done.


Tamara, Andrew, Mat and I went to Cliff's after
Metro last Sunday!
I don't know if my favorite part of the day
was the entire free pizza we got
or feeling it after we finished it...

My First Attempt At Breakfast!!!

It came out a little crispier than I expected it too...
Luckily I was able to get the cream cheese on before
Tamara saw the bagel...

Just kidding.


Some of the saddest news of the day...
Blockbuster closed it's doors to the public
on Academy and Wyoming.
I don't know why these things happen.
So much of my life has been wasted here looking
for a good waste of time.
But I guess something good may come of this.
And maybe it already has...

Friday, September 04, 2009

We've officially marked our teritorry.

Now no one can question who
lives in apt #25.

"Hey hun, who lives in apt. #25"


Thursday, September 03, 2009

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Real Life's Wonderful.

Having some ridiculous Chicken Pot Pie with my wife and loving it.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I think I missed something...

somewhere in between the blogs "again..." and "the Honeymoon Begins"...

Tamara and I got hitched!

August 14, 2009
Tamara and I started our new life together
that is destined to last until death does us part.

Keeps us in your prayers as we continue to follow
after God's will for our lives.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


wish you were here.

On our way home!

I guess this is the part where we have to face real life. I'm not going to lie, i'm pretty excited about it!

This picture sucks...

We are in the screen saver you've always wanted to visit.

In Jamaica!

We're in a cab on our way to an ATM. I feel threatened by all the eyebrows of the Jamaican people that we've seen. They look so angry. I guess that's just part of the package! Everythings more adventurous when everybody's angry!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Getting to Jamaica...

First time I've ever been able to recognize our luggage from outside. Love it. ...this morning had It's own little adventure. Our hotel bus was 9 minutes late to pick us up. Tamara and I didn't have too much of a problem with it, but a woman who's associates had left with out her definitely seemed to be feelin the pressure. By the time we got to our terminal and got our tickets, we found out that we were boarding about 40 minutes sooner than we'd originally thought. After our own individual prayers, we got to pull the whole 'home alone' running through the air port scene and made a few people fear for their lives. But we made it to our gate to find out the previous plane had mechanical errors. Delays can be nice.

Monday, August 17, 2009

the Honeymoon Begins

In the Burque airport getting ready for adventure!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


How many pictures of my cars getting towed do i have on this Blog!? Sucks.

Kanye Edit

Stevo's helping me out with editing American Boy for the reception! Now instead of hearing our dear friend, Kanye drop the f bomb, we hear Stevo yelling 'Yeah Boy!' over Kanye's odious palaver.

Saturday, August 08, 2009

This is like History.

The very first thing in my very first fridge. Complements of the mother-in-law.


We finally started moving in to our new 2 bedroom apartment! A good portion of my stuff is in now. Tamara and I are headed back to my place to grab the rest. We'll move Tamara's stuff when she moves in after the honeymoon. It's a lot bigger than we expected but we'll make it work.

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Job interview

As much as i would love to work there, Tamara's the one who went in for an interview! It went pretty well from what i hear, but the anticipation of waiting to hear back from them is killing us! Well It's not really that bad. We know God has it under control. But if you think about it, you can pray for that!

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Single Digits!

Only 9 more days until i get to start a new life with my best friend!

Skate Church...

...has been going very well! Last tuesday, again i was able to share the gospel and get convicted while i was speaking over what i was talking about! I was also able to pray with a kid who asked me how to live a life for Christ. This last week in July was my last time teaching for a while, but i think Caleb was wanting to switch out weekly or something when i get back! I'm not too sure how that'll go though.

Wedding Shower!

Lenya had the idea to throw us a couples wedding shower and for lots of people to come and bring up stuff. Tamara and I being interested in stuff liked the idea, so we had it at my house. A lot of people showed up and brought a lot of stuff. I was totally okay with it! We did some karaoke, had some red bull's, opened gifts, enjoied the company of our guests, and I was even able to fit in my daily dose of threats and backbiting!

Over all, i felt it was a well rounded evening.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Outside Metro Calvary

Tamara and I have been attending and helping out with Calvary's newest extension project thing at the El Rey Theatre every Sunday. I kinda just got placed in this ministry without the experience that would've helped, so that made for an interesting morning this last week. I run the video and slide stuff for service and was able to get everything together right as the service was starting! But i think I've gotten it down now. While I've been doing that, Tamara has been doing most of the set up with the tables and chairs and stuff.

Tamara and I both have been praying about this for a while and we don't think that God let us end up here by accident, so we've been asking God to make this ministry our heart and so far He has! The group of comers has been around 11 people, excluding the ones that have to be there. I think this could be great! It's a small group, that will hopefully allow people to come together and actually show what the body of Christ is supposed to be like! Pray for that if you think about it.

Both Tamara and I really want to be apart of a unified body of Christ who will come together and actually bear one anothers burdens and show the love that we are called to show. And we realize that this isn't something that comes naturally, but will take effort on our ends as well, and that's been our heart in this ministry.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

New Deck!

My board got stolen a few weeks ago from the skate park
and we had this one in the back that we wern't going to do anything with.
I guess this guy dropped off the board to us for free
so that we could support his company, but Caleb
looked into the company and i guess they believe
some pretty wack stuff so we decided not to sell it.
So knowing my situation, Caleb decided to bless me
with a little bit of heresy so that no one else would
be lead astray!
He also hooked me up with some independant
trucks, bones bearings and some kind of wheels.
God will bless him.

And Khanh pretty much did all the awesome grip job.
I feel like such a g' riding it.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Tamara Loves Me.

She agreed to watch Harry Potter with me even though she hates all the other ones... I'm blessed.

Looks like we're getting a lot done!

We're not. Ray dropped a screwdriver behind the belts and we can't find it anywhere. So We've resorted to dropping in other screwdrivers in to find out where it could've gone.

After a decent amount of time, I went to Auto Zone and grabbed one of those handy little magnets on sticks and Ray got it out pretty quick.

Well, we ended up discovering that the coolent wasn't the only problem. There's a huge crack in the radiator that was leaking so I bought a new one that we have yet to put in.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Monday, July 13, 2009

The latest member

Tamara, Mat and I were all chillen at his house when we got the sudden urge to watch Hot Fuzz again! So we went to Blockbuster and made Mat make an account to which he then preceded to complain about the responsibilities of having an account there. After he voiced his opinion of the pain of returning movies, he soaked in the goodness. Now he's talking about the real him. He's trying to figure himself out.


Jaxon and Tamara came and visited me at work today!

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Big News!

About a week ago i called CCBC to make sure Tamara and i had a dorm to live in for this upcoming semester, but when i talked with them, they informed me that their Married Dorms were no longer available. This information gave us a little bit to worry about, were getting married in a month and we don't have a place to live! So you can see why we were a little concerned. Well we prayed and called several other campuses only to find that none of them offered Married Housing. So last night we made the decision to wait.
I felt a call to finish Bible College when i started so that is what I'm going to do. We're going to wait this semester and stay in Albuquerque and work to save money for the next semester. We both realize that it can be extremely hard for people to not go to school for a semester and return the following, but this is really all we can think to do right now. We've both prayed about this
and feel a peace in it.
So pray that we can find a place to live for about 6 months and that we will be able to get the dorm we need next semester! And if you're really feeling in the mood to pray, than lift up our upcoming marriage! And if you're not feeling up to praying so much, pray for yourself. Haha!

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Tamara is my very best friend.

We even made bracelets to prove it.

I have more fun than you.

I get to put all of the singles that M88 and KNKT have recieved over the years on to an external hard drive. Probably the most exciting job I've ever had.

more ketchup

I realize that I haven't been the best at blogging. Sorry.
This is yet Another recap of the time I've missed.

I'm home! I actually have been for quite some time!
I find it harder to blog when stuff is actually going on.
I don't know why. I'll try and get over that.

If you're really out of the loop in the fun facts of my life,

I have 2 jobs that I'm almost at 40 hours a week!
Skate Park at Calvary and also M88.

I have a new car that I bought from my cousin for $100
that I need to sell soon. It's a '99 Ford Explorer Sport...
(just in case you were curious)

I love Tamara.

Last week and this week, I've taught Skate Church and I
will continue doing so for the rest of the month!

Tamara and I went to see MewithoutYou, Deerhunter,
and Bear Colony last week. It was great.

Andrew and I got tattoos.

Colgate Wisps are really cool.

Tamara and I went to this crazy vegetarian restaurant
the other day and talked with a Gnostic for a really long
time while attempting to work on premarital.
(His names Freedom, pray for him)

Tamara and I are more than half way done with our
Premarital class through Calvary.

We get married in 38 days!

I wrote a song that I'm not sure how i feel about.
Tamara liked it. I like her.

I'm out of razors for my face.

I think that's it. I'll try and be better at the blogging.
I'm making a conscious decision to do so. Promise.

I love my The Chariot

Tamara and i just saw The Chariot play at the Scream the Prayer Tour. Awesome. We got in for free and loved every minute of it. I pretty much have the BEST fiance in the world.

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I'm packing up for home now, but recently hit the 'lack of motivation wall' that typicaly comes with sleep deprivation. I think this combo should do the trick and get me back on track. Or it'll just send me back to bed holding my stomach. We'll see what happens!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Hell or High Water

Tamara sent me the new As Cities Burn cd Hell or High Water today!
As soon as I got it I called Chris up and we headed to a secluded room on campus.
When he arrived I had already set up my computer for an As Cities Listening Party!

In case you're curious, the cd's great.
And I absolutely love that Tamara sent it to me
the minute it came out.
I love her.


93 Days left till Tamara and I are married!! It's kinda ridiculous to think about. It feels like it's taking so long to get there! But every married couple I talk to is just like "oh yeah! that's really soon! It's going to fly by so quickly." ...Nothing is flying.
I have 8 Days until I get to see her again! 8's killing me!
But I guess it will be different when I actually get to be with her! 800 miles away isn't the coolest way in the world to communicate with your best friend. Not to mention I was stupid and left my phone charger back home, so I have a phone, just no life in it. Why does my phone have to be so dramatic and DIE all the time!? Well I know it'll be soon. Time is relative.


I know i've been terrible at keeping this up to date lately.
I have a folder on my computer full of pictures that need
to be blogged! I'll do my best now to catch you up!

Okay, so first off, if you didn't already know, I've been taking a class on Sound & Recording at school. One of our requirements for the class is that we have to have run 5 live sound events.
For my first, Chris Patterson and I teamed up and ran sound for Jimmy Robeson.

While the show was going on, Jeremy was making sushi behind us!

I'm assuming there was a pretty big gap here, but Spring Break came! And it was great.
I'm not going to lie, I kinda want to go back home now! But that's not the point of this blog...
Tamara and I scheduled an appointment with Kevin's Photography for our engagement pictures!
So we followed Kevin around Central and made us pose awkwardly in all kinds of weird places.
There were a lot of people on Central that day! Some we knew, some were new.
Haha! Just kidding.

But I loved my week there. I pretty much spent the entire break with Tamara!
It was beautiful.
I got to visit her at work and tell customers to leave when they started acting up.
I love her. We have less than 100 days before we get married and I never have
to leave her again! But again, also not the point of this blog.

Well, I was supposed to head back to school on Sunday (Easter). A nice Easter drive (800 miles back to school) was delayed due to my car feeling under the weather.
We took it in and found out that if i had driven it out, it would have died and I would have been stranded in the desert without a phone, no other means of transportation, no water, no fire for the night, and only food enough to last me the minute. No cars ever drive on the road I was going to take. It wouldn't have been good.
So it was kinda sad that my car wasn't working, but such good things came from it!
Bet you couldn't guess, but I spent that extra time I had with Tamara!
I didn't mind it.
So on Easter, we stayed at my house for a bit watching golf, then headed over to
Tamara's sisters for lunch!
As you can see, Charlie and I were about to get into a pretty intense game of Guitar Hero.
It got brutal. Before you knew it, we were swinging guitars, hanging from rafters and slamming the guitars on the side of the tables.
He won
(I let him).

I went back to school eventually.
That's where I am now.
I'll keep blogging!
I promise!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Love146: Round Home Update!

These words are from the co-founder of Love146, Desirea
on the opening of the new round home!

"I’ve sat for two days (in between emails, deadlines, editing, low hums of needs to be met) with no words.
7 girls will be coming home on April 28th more will be added soon.
The first Love146 safehome we have built from the ground up.
I am a co-founder, I remember the beginning of our story but our story has grown to more people,
to part of a raging movement, to thousands of children.
And now 7 girls are coming home to something we (us + you = we) have built.
I have no words. I have cried and laughed. But no words.
It’s time to celebrate! To jump, to dance, to scream like you’re at a rock concert...

Abolition is happening."

Continue to pray that the work progresses
and that these children will be brought to
a safe home where they can be shown love.

If you feel led to donate to Love146 click here.